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The median salary was ¥8.5 million per year, down ¥1 million from last year’s survey. This may partially be explained by respondents tending to be less experienced than the previous year.
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Salary, bonuses, perks, and overtime pay, before taxes and deductions, in Japanese yen.
What is your current total annual compensation from your current employer?

Previous Compensation

55.9% of respondents were asked to disclose their previous compensation when interviewing.

Respondents who declined to give their previous compensation when interviewing had slightly higher median compensation than those who gave it or were never asked about previous compensation.

Those respondents were also more likely to have been successful at negotiating a higher offer, with 37.8% of them doing so, compared to 30.8% of respondents overall.

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When interviewing for your current job, were you asked about your previous compensation?

Desired Compensation

73.3% of respondents were asked to disclose their desired compensation when interviewing.

Those who were never asked their desired compensation were unlikely to negotiate their offer, with 73.3% of them not doing so.

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When interviewing for your current job, were you asked about your desired compensation for the new position?

Negotiated Compensation

Respondents who successfully negotiated compensation had a median compensation that was 40% higher than those who were unsuccessful or did not negotiate.

Respondents who worked for a subsidiary of an international company were more likely to be successful at negotiation. 36.6% of respondents working for an international subsidiary reported that they successfully negotiated, whereas 27.7% of those working for a Japan headquartered company did. For both company types, about 50% of respondents reported they didn't even attempt to negotiate.

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When interviewing for your current job, did you attempt to negotiate your compensation?

Paid Leave

40.6% of respondents received 20 days or more of paid leave, excluding any additional leave they might receive, such as public holidays, New Year's holidays, Obon or summer holidays, or sick leave.
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This excludes any additional leave, such as public holidays, New Year's holidays, Obon or summer holidays, or sick leave.
If you have unlimited paid leave, please put in the number of days you usually take in a year.
How many days of annual paid leave do you currently receive?