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Current Job

Employment Status

2.6% of respondents were unemployed, up from 0.5% in 2022.
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Which of the following best describes your employment status?

Job Search Status

19% of respondents were actively looking for a job, up from 11% last year.
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Are you currently searching for a new job?
Data Scientists or Machine Learning Specialists were by far the most likely to have a postgraduate degree, with 72.8% of them achieving a Masters degree or above, compared to 32.8% of respondents overall.
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Please select all that apply.
Which of the following describes your current job?

Colleague Nationality (Engineers)

Engineering teams tended to be highly international, with only 18.4% of respondents being on a team that was all or mostly Japanese.

Respondents on a team that was primarily Japanese had lived in Japan longer, with a median of 7 years compared to the overall median of 4 years.

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What are the nationalities of your colleagues who are engineers?

Colleague Nationality (Non-Engineers)

54.3% of respondents worked in an environment where all or most of the non-engineers were Japanese.
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What are the nationalities of your colleagues who are not engineers?

Japanese Usage

54% of respondents never or rarely used Japanese professionally.

Those who used Japanese frequently reported lower salaries, and were most likely to be working for a company headquartered in Japan.

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How frequently do you use Japanese professionally?

English Usage

Only 12.7% of respondents never or rarely used English professionally.

Inversely to Japanese usage, respondents who used English frequently reported higher salaries, and were least likely to be working for a company headquartered in Japan.

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How frequently do you use English professionally?

Years at Current Employer

The median number of years at the current employer was 1.5.
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How many years have you been employed by your current employer?

Hours per Day

79.4% of respondents worked 8 hours or less in a typical day.
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How many hours do you work in a typical day?

Job-Finding Method

While 33.2% of respondents working at a company headquartered in Japan were hired via an external recruiter, only 18.5% of them working for a Japanese subsidiary of an international company were.
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How did you find your current job?